
Webhooks allow developers to add functionality to their Fridge projects that react to changes in Fridge content.

Creating Webhooks

On the Fridge Settings page, there is a section to add webhooks. Enter the full URL for each webhook you wish Fridge to send events to.

Event Payload

When Fridge sends out webhooks, it sends a POST request to the URLs that have been assigned. The body of the request is a JSON payload of the event that has occurred. Here is a list of the possible events:

  • site.create
  • site.update
  • site.delete
  • type.create
  • type.update
  • type.delete
  • settings.create
  • settings.update
  • settings.delete
  • content.create
  • content.update
  • content.delete
  • user_role.create
  • user_role.update
  • user_role.delete
  • users.create
  • users.update
  • users.add_location
  • users.delete

Example Event payload:

  "type": "content.create",
  "site_id": 1,
  "request": "/v1/content/type/blog_post",
  "data": {
    "id": 15,
    "site_id": 1,
    "document_definition_id": 3,
    "date_created": "2015-02-01 01:00:00",
    "date_updated": "2015-02-01 01:00:00",
    "display_order": 0,
    "active": true,
    "content": {
      "title": "My Post Title",
      "published": true
    "slug": "my_post_title",
    "user_id": 90